14 November 2010

Beautifully Wrapped Presents

As an "Aspie Mom", I have learned that you must present things that can be perceived as negative in the most positive light possible. I am often thankful for my background in theatre in the pursuit of convincing one of my "Aspie" kids that their best option is to accept what I am saying as gospel. It is not that I want to control their free will....they just need to be taught that not every issue is of the same magnitude as the sinking of the Titanic! Thus, this week, my 9 year old came home with the amazing news that he was going to play "David" in the school play of "DAVID & GOLIATH".  WOW!!! HOW AWESOME!!! We all made over him in the appropriate manner of proud family members. And then, the next day, I find out that he was mistaken. His teacher e-mailed me that he was under the impression that he would be playing DAVID, yet that part had already been given to someone else. I am so impressed by the thoughtfulness of his current teachers. They work so very well with him and truly have his best interest at heart. Thankfully, I e-mailed her back asking if I could break the news to him. Now, I know at this point that in a normal circumstance, this should be no problem for a kid....but not an Aspie kid. So I dressed the situation in "beautiful paper with a bow" on top. We discussed how we love our teachers and so we want to help them out anytime they ask a favor. The favor in question was to play a different part in the play for the good of the whole class. The discussion also turned to the fact that he is probably one of the TALLEST students in the class....we can't have a DAVID that is taller than GOLIATH! Without a beat he said, "Yes...but that's just because they all drink coffee." (hehehehehehehe) You gotta laugh! Anyway, he handled the news VERY WELL (YEAH! GOOD FOR YOU) and by the end of the day all was better. It is amazing how seeing something in its best light can change people's perspectives of situations........and people.


  1. I think it is wonderful how you were able to present him with the news, and how wonderfully he accepted it!

  2. Thanks!! He is the awesome one!!!

  3. Kudos to you! What a blessing. So glad his teachers are wonderful -- we already know his parents are.
