13 April 2011

Teachers Make a Difference!

I have often written about how thankful we are to be able to send ours sons to a school where the teachers are so committed to their progress. Last fall, one of Ben's teachers felt it was important for the other kids in his class to "experience" a little bit of what it means to deal with Asperger's Syndrome...rather than just be told about it. On an afternoon when he had an appointment, she had the kids copy something from the board with the opposite hand than the one they normally use to write. She then led a discussion about how they felt trying to do the work when their bodies were not equipped to accomplish the task. Finally, she showed them a PowerPoint presentation that discussed, on a 4th grade level, what Asperger's Syndrome is, what it means for Ben, what his classmates can do and how to handle certain situations. I asked her if I could post it...so I am going to try to post it on a separate post page for easy access. It is my hope that maybe people could update it and use it to help other kids learn Aspie understanding and tolerance. Keep an eye out for the new page.

We, as educators, hold more than just merely a child's education in our hands....we hold their futures! It is so important that these Aspie kids continue to be in normal classrooms...not only for their development, but also so that the other students can learn tolerance.

By the way....KUDDOS to the awesome teacher that created this. You can access her blog on the listing to the right.


  1. Thanks, Colette! Very sweet. He needs SOMEONE out there to understand him. I'm just blessed to have the opportunity.

  2. Hey....I actually got the PowerPoint downloaded and embedded all by myself!!!
