09 April 2011

Happy 10th Birthday (Continued)

OK....so I am OVERWHELMED by the love just shown to our middle Aspie son! He just had an AWESOME birthday party where about 35 of his classmates and even teachers were in attendance! Before this party, the most that ever attended one of his birthday parties was 10.  If you need an update on how EVERYONE in his grade was invited, check out my post from earlier this week titled "Happy 10th Birthday." NEVER would this have happened with our older son's class!!! What a difference teachers can make, what a difference great kids can make, what a difference understanding parents can make! I am SOOO PUMPED!! Thank you to all who have helped the kids understand our son and who have taught such beautiful tolerance to our young!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that he read EVERY CARD!! And then RE-READ them today!! Do you think it meant a lot to him?

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