29 April 2011

Innocence - Easter Tradition #2 - Paques Eggs (corrected spelling)

With my Aspie kids, you do something one year and it becomes a tradition....an event woven into their yearly schedule that must be completed for things to go well. One such tradition is "Paquesing Eggs."( It has been corrected from "PACH" to "PAQUES.") It all began a few years ago when we spent a WONDERFUL Easter Sunday with my second son's Godparents and his Godmother's Grandmother. When we walked into the house, I could tell that this house was FULL of love and history and traditions. She announced that it was time to "Paques" the eggs. We all looked at each other and wondered what that meant. It is to hit eggs against each other to see which one cracks first. We each got our egg and away we went. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! We have continued this tradition ever since. My literal sons have even taken to painting springs or other implements of destruction or absorbtion onto their eggs thinking that they would have the upper hand. I figured out a long time ago that it is all in how you hold your egg......and I had a perfect record until this year when our youngest son won. I treasure the innocence of my Aspie sons as I treasure the memory of that most wonderful Easter Sunday spent with family and friends.  Thank you Nannie and Big Daddy and MawMaw. We miss you and we love you. HAPPY EASTER!!!

I will post pictures on the picture page of all of these Easter Traditions soon.......


  1. Love it:)

    It is spelled lots of different ways because none of our french speaking ancestors were allowed to speak the language, much less learn to spell it. Pacques, pronounced /pok/, is french for Easter:) We pacque eggs, too!

  2. We didn't pacque this year! Our traditional Easter was changed up a bit this year, so things happened a little differently. We shall MAKE the time to pacque next year!
