15 June 2013

Broken Shells

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of our Fathers!
To celebrate FATHER'S DAY this year, we decided to go on a beach excursion. Now, most of you who have Aspie kids know that ANY excursion is challenging...but this one was truly BLESSED!
We left last night....drove down to a small cabin....set up and then settled in to watch a family movie. This morning, we slept late, sat on the porch and then went to the beach.

This particular beach, although public, is not well known. We were the only people there all day. After setting up, the boys began to play in the water while my husband and I went to look for shells. My husband was finding some amazing shells...while I seemed to be drawn to the shells that were broken in some way. I found a certain beauty in being able to look inside the shell and see what was really going  on. How amazing it was to see the spirals and turns, the colors and patterns that normally are missed. The broken shells have a beauty all their own...a beauty of experience...of wisdom...of journey...
...a  beauty of being broken open by those who do not appreciate the exterior...
...a beauty of being knocked against the rocks over and over again until they are polished...
...a beauty of intricate design, artistic patterns, not normally appreciated...

Amazing colorations..

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