28 August 2013

Bad Days...and an Apology

Why is it that my 2 Aspie sons always seem to have bad days ON THE SAME DAY!!!
And now that our 3rd son is in school....well......

That is exactly what happened for 36 hours last week.
I felt like negativity was coming in on all sides and that ALL of it was telling me that my sons were not good enough or that my husband and I were not good enough.

Of course, what I FEEL and what is FACT can be very different according to the current emotional environment. (I hope I am not the only person that lets emotion get the better of them from time to time.) I am a very passionate person and I am most passionate about my sons.

But there were a few TRUTHS of which I had lost sight that night last week when I wrote a rather severe post. By that oversight, I have hurt some absolute ANGELS who have been there for our sons through the years and who continue to be there for them. For that, I am profoundly sorry.

Without some of these ANGELS, my sons would have never been able to develop as much as they have. I continually thank God for putting these ANGELS where they were needed and when they were needed.

I hope and pray that my rant did not permanently damage these relationships.

We are blessed to be able to have our sons attend 2 FANTASTIC schools with very DEDICATED staff members!!! Many Aspie kids never have that opportunity.

To those whom I have hurt, please forgive me.


  1. We all have those days where our frustration gets the better of us. If they are truly "ANGELS", they will forgive and forget! :)

  2. Offer those really challenging times to God. He really doesn't mind. It gives you time to reflect and decipher what really matters.
