Our lives are filled with moments we take for granted. We drift from responsibility to responsibility...and before we know it....we have forgotten why we chose to take on that responsibility. What starts out as gift turns into task. The context of our lives switches and we don't even notice it. That is what has happened over the last 2 years with this blog....
When I strated writing, it was only for me. (Sorry...but it was.) It was a way for me to process what I needed to process about my Aspie sons and our Aspie family and our Aspie lives. It was theraputic, it was centering, it was gift. A few people asked me to start posting these entries so that others can share in them...help other Aspie families. This was fine with me...because...the truth is that we, as Aspie parents, or as parents in general...are making it up as we go along. I appreciate any insight others have for me...and maybe I can help give insight to others. But after about 3 years of gift, it turned into responsibility. People started to want to edit my posts...my life. They requested that certain subjects to be covered. I felt a responsibility to write as often as possible...to not miss an opportunity to help others....and I lost my original purpose for this blog.
Over the last year of posts being few and far between, I have been over-run with guilt that I was not posting. I felt like I was letting people down. But what I found is that the more responsibility I felt towards the blog, the less I posted.
So....now...I am not making any statements or promises about how often I will post. I am not going to put FB link to the posts until I feel confortable with that. I will post when I need to....when I can....and if people find the posts helpful...that is gift, also.
So here we go....STARTING AGAIN...
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