13 September 2014


Before our Aspie boys were diagnosed...and after, I used to get caught up in the judgement of other people. Even as early as the first Christmas our oldest son as alive....I can remember that he was crying and so I left the family celebration of my husband's family to drive him around until he settled down. I was so very worried that our sons would "bother" people or that others would judge the way they behaved...or the way we parented. The truth is...we have no control over that. People will judge....people will think that they understand...people will seemingly care, only to make judgements when we can't hear them. Over time, I noticed that the more I ALLOWED people to judge me or my sons, the more they DID judge me or my sons. I began making decisions around my expectation of that judgement. I would seemingly "know" what the judgements would be even before they were expressed. Living in fear of judgement is not living...it is existing...and not for a greater good. Our CHOICE comes in how we react to the judgement. I had to get to a place where I CHOSE NOT to accept the negativity, the judgements of other people. The only judgement that counts, beyond my own, is that of God.

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