12 July 2011

Fastest Talker in the West

My Aspie sons seem to speak
I think it is because their brains are processing
There are times when I can not even understand what one of my own Aspie sons are saying to me. Maybe it is simply that they are trying to impart "world-changing," "life-altering" information to me that must be said in 30 seconds or else all is lost....like,

"Did you know that C. S. Lewis used to meet with Tolkien to discuss the religious aspects of their writings and that the structural integrity of most buildings rests on mom you are not listening to me mom this is important the ancient calendar used to be based on agriculture and then when pagan religions came in they changed the names of the agricultural feasts as did the Christians but it doesn't matter because the Gregorian calendar is 4 years off anyway and I want tomatoes for supper and I need a poster to make a project about something but I can't remember what it is to be about or when it is due but I did remember I needed a poster and......."

All of that in 15 seconds flat.
I think you get the picture.
If only we could bottle all of that mental ability and spread it out over an hour, a day, a year.
I am sure many of the greater problems of the world could be solved by Aspie kids.....
around a dinner table.....
mixed in with the days events and
a full explanation of the Solar System.
Yet another gift!!! Amen!!!

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