25 March 2011

God's Hand...Everyday

I continue to be amazed by God's constant presence in our lives!

As I am a Choir Director at a school, I recently took both my Elementary Choir and my Junior High Choir to an All-District Choir Festival. The Festival is comprisesed of 2 events: Stage Performance of 3 songs and an 8 min. Sightreading Session. Both of my Aspie boys are musically talented....and I have never had any qualms about including exceptional students in my ensembles. To that end, my older Aspie son is in my Junior High Choir and my younger Aspie son is in the Elementary Choir. This was to be my younger son's first experience with District Choir Festival and I was filled with a certain amount of apprehension concerning the possibility that his performance may have repercussions with the judges affecting the entire ensemble. When we received notice of our performance times....it became apparent that we would be sightreading when his medication would start to wear off. Everyone deserves a chance.....God will take care of it!

The Stage Performance went fine and we were on to Sightreading. When we were given our song to sightread, the title read: UNISON/Middle School. Well, of course, my son noticed it and was having trouble understanding why we were reading a Middle School Sightreading excerpt. I tried to redirect. Then, he noticed that our excerpt was reminiscent of one of the warm-up exercises we do. Another great observation.....yet a completely inappropriate time to discuss it. The choir kids, including my son, did a great job singing the excerpt. THEY NAILED IT! After the session, I approached the judge to apologize for his behavior saying, "I am sorry...that one is mine and he has Asperger's." But, before I could finish my statement...she said, "Don't worry. I know. I have a 27 year old Autistic son myself."

God's Hand Everyday.......
sometimes it is as quiet as a breeze....
sometimes it is as powerful as a gale wind.
But it is always present.
We should be present to His presence.....and see....
God's Hand Everyday.

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