02 November 2010

The Holiday Season

I never dreamed that I would face the holiday season with great trepidation. When I was younger, I used to dream about having wonderful, picture perfect holidays with my husband and children some day. Throughout my life, I have been seen by some as naive. The truth is that I choose to see the world in its best light. Sooooo, when I had to drive around a town of which I was not accustomed with my screaming son in the back seat while my husband spent time with our family, I was rather disenchanted. Little did I know that I would spend many a holiday season doing the same thing for the comfort of family members. That was unfair to our sons and to our family. You may be laughing, but I was selling our family short. In hindsight, I should have educated our family as to how my Aspie sons may behave......I should have given suggestions as to how to handle certain situations and what topics may hold my sons' attentions.....or let the family know just what was "up" with our kids.  It was unfair to our sons to expect them to behave in a way that they could not. Most of all, my family has not truly been able to find out what AWESOME guys our sons are....I was scared that they may think poorly of me. Now, I look at the upcoming holiday season with joy. MY SONS ARE AWESOME!!! Our family traditions may have to be a bit different then most, or even a little quirky, but they are our memories ....and those memories are as precious as our sons!


  1. You, your husband, and your sons are awesome! I am grateful for all of the special/quirky times we have shared and cherish the future memories we will have. "It's a hot day!"

  2. You know that we feel the same way!!! WE LOVE Y'ALL!!!
