20 June 2011

Father's Day (updated)

Happy Father's Day to all of the guys who are dads or who serve as dads in the eyes of a child.....especially those eyes that belong to Aspie kids. Personally, I don't know what my Aspie kids would do without their dad. He is truly a gift from God. Every Aspie parent has their good days and their bad days....but he is committed to doing what he can to make sure his Aspie kids have the emotional support they need. And Aspie kids NEED that emotional support sooooo much.....support, understanding, guidance, love......  I am going to try to post the Father's Day video we made for him on a separate page on this site.....we will see if it works.

Not every Aspie kid can be as blessed as my kids have been by having such a committed father. But we need to make sure that Aspie kids have the guidance they need. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are PLENTY of VERY COMMITTED and ABLE single moms out there raising Aspie kids. You would be surprised and saddened to know just how many dads have left their families due to the stresses of having Aspie kids. But, every Aspie kid needs to have some positive male influence in their lives. That is why I always add to my basic Father's Day wish all those "who serve as dads in the eyes of a child."
You are important, you are appreciated, you are needed.....
Be he a friend, a scout leader, a teacher, uncle, brother, minister.....whomever.
 Happy Father's Day!

OK....so it looks like the video won't post so I am adding a page with pics I used in the video.

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