If you have read my previous post of TREASURES & GIFTS, you will know that I feel strongly that our Autistic children are gifts that God has bestowed on us. I also spoke about how I feel we should not hide our gifts and simply let them stay as God gave them to us...we should do everything in our power to enrich their lives so that they can each accomplish the mission God created them to accomplish. At times, it can be really difficult...like when you child is not being treated fairly....or when he/she is being judged to be less important than "normal" kids...the examples go on and on.
We must walk on through the heartache and the tears so that THEY can be all that THEY CAN BE.
It is with this in mind that I look to the new diagnostic design called DSM5. It is rare that I speak of anything political on this blog. I do not think this is the forum for politics....but I feel I must speak on this subject. I have read many articles, blogs, sites, listened to reports, etc. To say that I am concerned would be an understatement! In short, I feel that DSM5 will have horrible repercussions that will be so far in scope, we will not even recognize some of them for years to come. Initially, I feel that it will do the following:
1-for children who are highest on the spectrum...they will be cut out of special treatments and trainings all together (like their disability is hidden from sight and from the opportunity to augment their ability......see above)
2-for children who are lower on the spectrum yet still communicative....they will be sequestered to classes that will not even scratch their potential (once again...being hidden from sight and from the opportunity to augment their ability...see above)
3-for the children who are non-communicative........much less funding for the most basic of needs (again...being hidden from sight)
What is truly sad is that we have JUST BEGUN to see major steps in the acceptance of our Autistic kids. In some respects, our Aspie kids have gained a certain amount of positive notoriety through various documentaries, books, TV shows, and movies.
One step forward and two steps back....
It is up to us to keep moving forward....
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