"His lord said to him: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Since you have been
faithful over a few things, I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the
gladness of your lord.’" -Matthew 25:21
The scripture passage above is an excerpt from a parable Jesus told His disciples. When I was younger, the story always confused me. A master gives an amount of money to 3 different servants. The first servant takes a chance and doubles the money given to him. The second servant, likewise, doubles the money given to him. The master is well pleased by these servants and utters the text found above. But, the third servant buries the money entrusted to him...for safe keeping. When he presents this original sum back to his master, the master is not pleased...and takes the money away from the servant.
Now this is what confused me.....the third servant was "playing it safe" in that he was not taking a chance of loosing the money. All sums entrusted to him were safe. Why would that be bad?
Recently, I was listening to a homily on this scripture passage and it hit me. We do not please God when we bury our talents or our gifts or our treasures He bestowed on us.
He wants us to use them for His greater glory!
So, how does this fit in with being an Aspie Mom?
Well, our CHILDREN ARE our treasure....our gifts...
They are entrusted to us with the intent that through our guidance they will reach the potential God put in each of them...to His greater glory.
We all get tired. We become overwhelmed with everything that must be accomplished for our special treasures. It can be tough. And it can be emotionally draining to watch them experience things that are difficult. We may want to hide them away...keep them safe...bury their potential so that they never get hurt. But then we are "burying our treasure." We are not allowing our gifts to be all that they can be.
I can't tell you how many times I have said, "That's it. I can't take the heartbreak anymore. I am going to keep my Aspie kids at home and school them myself." I know that, if I did this, academically, they would be alright. But, socially, in my want to keep them safe...I would stifle who God wants them to be. I would be keeping them from gaining the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish their God-designed mission here on Earth. We must keep on truckin'.....keep on pushing....and yes, sometimes, keep on working through tears so that our treasures....our gifts......can shine in His light.
Oh, how I long to hear those words.....
"Well done, my good and faithful servant."
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