24 April 2013

Judgement...and Truth

One thing that I have learned by being the mother of Aspie sons is that they are TRUTHFUL TO A FAULT. With that being said, I ask:.....
...."how can being truthful REALLY be a fault?"

Of course, I know that the practicalities and vicissitudes of proper society dictate that "if you don't have something nice to say, than don't say anything at all." But, as most of us know, that just means that people will say something to you...and then go tell someone else what they really think.
As an example, I am a teacher in the same school where 2 of my 3 sons attend. IT IS JUST SO OBVIOUS when I happen upon a conversation between other teachers that pertains to one of my sons....and yet they do not tell ME these things. Or, simply, the judgemental looks in the hallways by teachers and parents. That one really gets my goat. Do you think I will not notice? Do you think I am as closed to understanding body language as my sons are? Do you really think that you have any reference in understanding what our lives are like?

Now, in the spirit of truth, I know that, sometimes, people don't want to constantly be giving me bad news or negative input. I appreciate that act of kindness. It is hard to be inundated by a never-ending stream of negativity. But, it hurts just as much to happen upon it and not have the people live up to their actions.

It is kinda like when I was a kid.....sick and at the doctor's office. I knew I was going to be getting a shot...the doctor had just told me I was going to be given a shot....so WHY DID THE NURSE FEEL SHE HAD TO HIDE THE SHOT BEHIND HER BACK!! It is an insult to my intelligence!

Hummmm...maybe that is exactly what an Aspie kid would say. Maybe, our trivial traditions of tact insult their intelligence.....
or maybe they are just more honest than the rest of us.

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