06 November 2011

Mom & Me

My middle Aspie son and I spent the weekend at the local Boy Scout Districts MOM & ME CAMP OUT. This has always been a fun event...but this year, we had a few triumphs.

We were the first to get to the canoeing site. My son has had trouble with the mechanics of canoeing. I usually end up doing all of the work while he splashes his paddle in the water. We have lost a few paddles in out days. But, yesterday, he had his top hand on the grip correctly, he was focusing on the "dig, pull, swing" pattern, and he was even trying to switch sides at the right time!!! The only correction was to keep his lower hand facing down on the paddle rather than up. It was a beautiful day...lots of amazing fall color reflected in the water. We went out twice during the day. Our second trip was just as enjoyable as the first. Once during our second trip...we were just letting the canoe drift...he put the paddle across his knees and said, "Sometimes, I think this is the place I should be the most...in a canoe on a beautiful day, looking at the trees and enjoying God's Creation." WOW!!!

He continued to surprise me for the rest of the day....making it through the obstacle course in a respectable time, climbing the wall just like everyone else, hitting the archery target twice....begin social with the wonderfully understanding 2 scouts from his den that accompanied us....
What a nice glimpse into what can be. I needed reinforcement that we were doing the right thing as parents. Maybe he will "turn the Aspie corner" one day, as his older Aspie brother did. We will just keep doing our best and pray that he will overcome that which keeps him from achieving....and enjoy these glimpses at what can be someday.

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