03 January 2011

New Years Resolutions

My son told his teacher that his New Year's Resolution was to "not get overworked." She then laughingly told me, they had not yet done much work for the day.
It might just be a long year!

Every year, I tend to make the same old resolutions......

1 - My house will be "magazine" perfect all the time
2 - I will loose an amazing amount of weight
3 - My kids will make great grades and be angels at all times

Of course, just like my son's resolution, none of these are actually attainable!! We all tend to make unattainable goals for ourselves. It is human nature. We want to be better people because we see what is not working in our lives. I wish I could spend as much time enjoying what IS working in my life rather than the opposite. But the negative view always seems to be more prevalent....easier to believe. Some people have asked me how I am always so positive on this blog.....if I ever get emotionally drained by the fact that I have 2 Aspie sons....
Well, the answer is not yes...it is...
OF COURSE I get down at times. But I have found that if I focus on the negatives, I will only see more negatives. If I focus on the positives, I might just see more positives...and maybe even get a glimpse at God's Hand in their being. We CAN NOT always control the variables around us, but we do have a choice as to how we view them, how we accept them, how we will use them, and how we will allow them to touch our lives.


  1. Colette scrappygurl is Linda Manuel.

  2. Girl you need to write a book. You have such a way with words. You are a wonderful mother, teacher, Christian, and friend! I admire who and what you have become. You are a woman of God and he has a hand in you and your families lives.
    Hang in there sweetheart:)

  3. Thanks!I LOVE your posting name!!!
