09 January 2011


My oldest Aspie son has REALLY come a long way. People kept telling me that the intelligence would take over in social settings eventually so that he would at least be functional, but I honestly never believed them. Last Friday, he spoke at church. He was poised, expressive and in control of himself. This year has been BIG for him. Football, a lead role in a musical, selection for Honor Chorus, sang solo at the school Christmas Church service..... My son would have regular meltdowns at school....I mean at some points DAILY. One would have thought that the world was coming to an end for as loud as he could get.... He has meltdowns at school so rarely now, that the teachers think it is a meltdown when he turns red, fists his hands and shuts his eyes. No, he is trying to control himself at that moment. Anyway....
I think I was more proud of him this week than ever before. And I have Asperger's Syndrome to thank for it....."literally." Some of his friends, I use that word with some resignation as he only really has 1 friend, were discussing things like drinking, playing games that were rated M-Mature, watching movies that were rated R, smoking, etc. Probably because he takes things so literally, he marched right up to them and told them they should not be doing those things. He was not snotty about it, he just chose to stick to his beliefs. I have no delusions that there will not be a time in the next 4 years of high school when he is broached by these subjects and he investigates them further....but I see that he has received a firm foundation in right & wrong. I am a PROUD ASPIE MOM today.

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