So, as the last post stated, we have recently started PHYSICAL THERAPY again. WOOOWHOOO!!!! My son is so happy to be back with PHYSICAL THERAPY. He always seems to be more centered and focused after a session.
On Friday, we met with the Physical Therapist to discuss where his development is now in reference to where he was when we had to put therapy on the shelf. I ALWAYS love to hear the words, "Wow. He has made a lot of progress." (Something about that always gets me.) Anyway, she was able to show us how he has developed. As pertains to other children, his spinal development...his physical development is about like an 8 year old. Not where he should be, but much better. The main problem seems to stem from the fact that he has no core center of gravity. This, of course, will affect his posture, fine and gross motor skills, and processing. If his body is constantly worried about keeping itself erect, then it is using brain capacity to accomplish something most people do automatically, therefore, he has less brain capacity to accomplish the mental task set before him. She actually was able to prove that he will succeed at a higher comparable rate when his body is slumped, resting on and supported by the furniture. This speaks volumes to me. When people think he is not paying attention is when his body is the most acceptable to pay attention! WOW! What a discovery!!! With time and therapy, the PT says that that this will improve to the point where he has enough core muscle tone to support himself....but for us NOT to try to "teach" him good posture. That won't work. This is something that is done through the subconscious. He can "teach" himself to do just about anything with the correct incentive....i.e.skipping....that one blew her away. But, he needs to accomplish these things without thought.
It makes me think about the possibilities.....
If he can mentally teach himself to do things that he shouldn't be able to physically do at this point....
what will he be able to accomplish when he has that stable core....that center of gravity???
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