22 May 2011

Simple Answers

Every once in a while, I am re-introduced to the intelligence that hides and resides within my Aspie sons. Once such incident recently occurred when both of them camped out on an historic tall ship with their father and and their Boy Scout troop. It was our middle sons first camp out as a "Big Scout". I had great concerns....especially when we sent him to go get a pillow and he came back with a pillow pet. Yes, a pillow pet on a BSA campout taking place on a tall ship!
Later that evening, my husband called me with an update. OUR MIDDLE SON was the first scout to answer a question!!! And WHAT a question...."What is the different between a rope and a line?"

Do you know? I didn't know.....

Well, he told them that...
 "a line has a purpose....a rope is waiting to become a line."
Pretty insightful I think......
For life, as well. How many of us spend our time here on Earth being a rope....waiting to become something with purpose. My Aspie sons, in their imperfection and their awkwardness both have purpose in their lives. Sometimes it is hidden, but we do glimpse their purpose from time to time. Like when I asked him why he traces crosses on his hands and feet during church...."because God should be in our minds, our words, our hearts and the things we do and in the journeys we take.
Are you a rope or a line?

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