20 December 2010

Mary Said "Yes"

I was in church yesterday, listening to the readings, and started thinking about how Mary said, "Yes". I don't mean to preach, but my family is religious and I can't help but think about Scripture at this time of year. Mary has always intrigued me....so young, so strong, so accepting. I don't think I could have been that accepting. Judgement is probably what would be on my mind...."What will people think?" She set such a beautiful and breathtaking example of how we are to accept God's Will.

Of course, most of us say "Yes" when we learn that we will be blessed with a special Gift from God. We are excited about the possibility....looking forward to the unconditional love.........the precious memories.

And then something happens.....

We learn that our Gift from God is not what we expected. "WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK?" I am sorry to say that thought permeated me for a time after we learned that our sons had Asperger's Syndrome. I would try to make excuses and gloss over so that people would not judge. But, people will judge...and that is only because they don't understand, and we consequently, meet situations head on....we judge before we are judged. "They won't understand...." We enter social settings ready for battle.

We should say "Yes"........

It is easier said then done, but all of us who are parents to Aspie kids should take a lesson from Mary. She knew who He would be, she knew He would be judged, she knew He would be hurt....and she said "YES". I hope that, in the future, I can better live my life as a mother of Aspie kids as Mary....saying "Yes" to God's Will. These children are GIFTS FROM GOD and we were entrusted with their care. How awesome a responsibility and an honor..........


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