15 October 2011

A Blessing

Today is our oldest Aspie son's 15th birthday!
We were not supposed to be able to have children....the doctor had recently told me that I needed to wrap my brain around that idea. But God had other plans. He sent us a wonderful BIG baby boy.
He still is. Most people think he is 17 years old...and today was only his 15th birthday!

God has certain plans for our lives. They may not be what we expected and He may be asking us to face our darkest dreams, but His plan is true and good.
We never expected to have a son, let alone 2 sons, with Asperger's Syndrome.....at the time....I didn't even know what that was! But, as I look back on my life up until that point, I see that He had been preparing me for this mantle. And WHAT A BLESSINGS our sons are to us. Beautiful inside and our, trusting, talented, insightful, funny, loving.....
yes, they have their problems...but all children have problems.

Our oldest Aspie son has worked so very hard over the last 3 years to get where he is now. I do not know a child who has worked harder or come further. If I could make a birthday wish, it would be that those people around him could know just how much he has worked...how committed he has been to assimilate to society.

The day that we brought him home from the hospital, my husband and I sat next to his cradle and began reading THE LION, THE WITCH and THE WARDROBE by C. S. Lewis to him. Little did we know how that book would become a prime example of who our son is: deep, spiritual, loving, good....

Thank you GOD for my Aspie blessing!
 I wouldn't have it any other way!

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