10 July 2011


One thing that I really LOVE about my blog is that people from all over the world have read it and continue to read it. I am AMAZED that people from Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, India, Belarus, Greece, Egypt, the Ukraine, Russia, China, Thailand, Latvia, Croatia, Denmark....and other countries have read this blog!! To me, it speaks to just how vast this "disorder" can be. I know that the figures now show that 1 in every 90 children, further still.....1 in every 4 boys is somewhere on the Autism Spectrum. This is not a national trend....but an international reality. As my friend from Australia commented about my last post, acceptance is key. And that acceptance must first start with our own children....to see the gift of every child rather than the deficiencies. Society will always judge those who are different than the mainstream. I think that much of that comes from misunderstanding and pride. "Put down that which threatens." But we do not have to join that society. We can be the voice that makes a difference for a child that is on the spectrum....by showing them acceptance...a place to be....a place to grow...a place to thrive.
I hope that I have been that voice for my children.

I am interested in all of you who read this blog....your stories...your experiences. I am particularly interested in the stories of those from other countries. If any of you would like to comment and let me know yours....please feel free. In particular, I was wondering if any of those readers who are from Germany happen to be long lost cousins of mine. (Just a chance....)

Finally, my posts of late have been much less positive than in previous months. For that, I am sorry. I am human and, therefore, prone to insecurity and negativity. But, it is my hope that in the next few weeks I will return to the positive perspective to which this blog was initially intended.
Thank you all for your patience and your prayers.

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