10 March 2011

God is Good

After a trying day that soooo could have turned out worse than it did, I have to give credit where credit is due.
 (Stick with me.....there IS an Aspie connection.)

Thank you God for putting people in the right place at the right time to help me out of a difficult situation! My husband and I are currently having car troubles and are down to 1 vehicle. That 1 vehicle broke down today in the middle of a busy intersection. Thank God there was a very nice gentleman that helped push my car into a used car lot on the other side of the intersection. After calling everyone near in my cell phone contacts (to no avail), after not being able to find the insurance card to get a wrecker, after finding out that BOTH copies of the insurance card were with my husband out of town....the owner of the used car lot came out to talk to me. Great.....just what I need.  I am just about ready to give up when I see that he has on the same piece of jewelry that I have on....a piece of jewelry that marks those who participate in a retreat program. Just that one thing reminded me that I am never alone....that God was with me. Everything worked out fine. We are all in God's hands.

It reminds me of the day we realized our older son had Asperger's. He had received a diagnosis of "Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" 3 years before. But at that time, no one could tell me what to do about it. Well, my husband and I "happened" to be home at the same time in the middle of the day (never happens). We were watching TV together (Never happens) and we were flipping channels instead of using the guide key (NEVER HAPPENS). We stopped on an episode of THE VIEW, which we never have time to watch. The ENTIRE episode was about Autism Spectrum Disorders. At that very moment a mother was telling them that her son had received a diagnosis of "Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" by one doctor and than another doctor told her that was an euphemism for "Asperger's Syndrome." I burst into tears...not because I realized that our son had Asperger's....but in mourning for the YEARS of treatment he did not receive because he was misdiagnosed! That summer, we had both of our sons tested through the full battery. Both were diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, yet with COMPLETELY different attributes.

I think back at the fact that if any 1 point in that equation had been different, we would not have gotten our sons the help they needed. God puts us where we need to be....when we need to be. It is His time and His plan. I guess the hardest thing is just....getting out of His way.

With that in mind, I know....I am grounded in the fact that He will make all things possible for my sons. They are children of God and His light signs through them. They are not disabled....they are gifted with different abilities. They are gifted by God with these different abilities for His use.

God is so Good!

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