25 November 2010


Thanksgiving: offering praise to God for our many blessings.
I could never count the numerous blessings bestowed on us by friends, family, teachers, mentors, doctors....over the years. Their wisdom and guidance has been an immense help in dealing with our Asperger boys. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have helped us or helped other families who deal with Asperger's Syndrome. Thanks also to all of you who read this blog and offer support for my writing about this subject.
Most of all, I would like to thank God for the gift of my beautiful and wonderful sons. On occasion, I have been asked if I wished that my sons could be "cured" or if I wished they did not have this "disability." To this I say no, as then they would not be who they are now...who God created them to be.....given certain gifts that will aid them in their mission on Earth. I do long for the day when ASD's are seen as, to quote a friend of mine, "different abilities." Until then, we will keep walking.....

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