29 November 2010


As parents of Aspie kids, my husband and I ALWAYS find ourselves questioning what we do. Asking ourselves,
"Will this action cause a positive or negative reaction?" or "What is the best way to phrase this statement?" "Should I be more strict?" or "Should I be more understanding?"
You just never know.
 I recently read a WONDERFUL book titled HOUSE RULES by Jodi Picoult. The story of this book is extremely compelling, especially for anyone who loves an Aspie child. Without giving away any of the story, throughout the book I kept saying to myself, "If the Mom would only phrase the question in a more direct or succinct way, then the conflict would be resolved." Of course, then there would be no need for the book. Maybe we need the miscommunication in order to bring more light, more enlightenment, more understanding  into the world...
We all know that communication with our Aspie kids is difficult. They take everything so literally that if a question is not phrased in a certain way, they could hear something completely different than what you were trying to express. This does not have to be a bad thing....they are "gifted" in different ways. How wonderful that they can see what the ordinary person glosses over. I only hope that they also see, someday, that we have tried to do our best, to make the most positive decision with every self-question we have encountered.

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