15 December 2011


My oldest Aspie son will start MID-TERM EXAMS today...for the first time. I think I am more stressed than he is! I know that grades are not necessarily true reflections of a student's ability or intelligence....but it sure would be nice if he would do well. He could.....as he is very intelligent...but the change in schedule, stress of the test, etc. may get to him...causing him to not do as well as he should or could. (I fell like I am babbling.....I only got about 2 hours of sleep.)

I would probably feel much better if I new where he stood with his teachers. This is his first year attending a school of which I am not a member of the faculty. Just yesterday, his biology class was discussing genetics. He brought up the protein absorption problem with Chromosome 17 in reference to Asperger's and  his teacher, who is very knowledgeable and competent, said that AS was not genetic....uh oh! I can tell that a lot of education needs to happen.....

Please pray...


  1. Please stop stressing because it will put pressure on your son. He sounds VERY intelligent and he WILL do fine.

    Even if he doesn't get the marks he needs to get into a career of his choice, there are still ways he can get in. Marks aren't everything and stress doesn't help.

    Believe in him instead - and make sure that he knows that you believe in him.

  2. I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! You are so right!!!! But the truth is that I don't let him know how stressed I am. His first mid-term was LATIN. This morning, he was stressing so I led him through a relaxation exercise. Then as he got out of the car, I told him to take a moment to breath, relax and say a prayer before the test. And I reminded him that he is an intellegent young man that has all he needs to do well. Let the chips fall as they may, I am sure he did his best. Now for tomorrow...
    Thanks for commenting:)
