05 September 2011

Another New School Year

I am sorry I have not written lately....the beginning of the school year can be such a hectic time.....both for my Aspie sons and for myself, a teacher.

At the beginning of each new school year, I am faced with the same fear and anxiety as I have been for the last 8 years. What will go wrong, what will go well, who will listen to us (we know our Aspie sons better than you do) and who will be closed to ideas that may work for our sons and their teachers. We were blessed last year to have AWESOME teachers for both our 8th grader and our 4th grader. Now, they are both starting new phases of their lives. The 8th grader is starting high school and the 4th grader will be in 5th grade (which at our school is considered Middle School). On top of this, the youngest is starting Pre-K. To say that things have been stressed around our house would be an understatement.

The boys actually started classes 2 weeks ago. But, usually we seem to experience a "Honeymoon" effect at the beginning of school years. Teachers feel like...."Oh, they will settle down. I can handle it" and the kids are still interested in all of the new things they see and hear and feel in respects to their new environment. So when will the shoe fall?

Our HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN (yes, I type that with shaking hands) seems to be adjusting well. We had LOOOOONG talks this summer about how he has come far on his journey of self-control. He will be mixed in with another 2/3 of kids that have never before witnessed one of his "Earth Shattering" meltdowns. We stressed the understanding that HE is not the meltdown and HE has the opportunity to show people who HE really is. Our other point of concern with our FRESHMAN is organization. He has ALREADY missed 2 assignments (that we know of). It is imperative that we stay on top of the.....hold on.......step back........let him make mistakes....it is the only way he will learn. Breathe. It will be ok. WE have to TEACH HIM to stay on top of assignments and organization. (See, that wasn't so hard...) He has fallen in with some groups of which I approve. He is in the Band and he is on the Wrestling team. Both organizations are led by some well-grounded adults and the kids seem to really include him in things. Time will tell.....

Our 5th Grader, on the other hand, has already had some meltdowns and is trying the patience of his teachers. As a matter of fact, we have a conference tomorrow morning (hence my still being up at this late hour....I am nervous). This son has such a wonderful heart and mind. I only pray that his new teachers can see the gift that God made him to be, the way his teachers last year could. I am soooo appreciative for his teachers last year! I need to go into this meeting with an open mind and not expecting strife. We must get over egos and work as a team for the greater good of the student. I just pray that we are all on the same page with that goal.

I will update you as we go.....pictures from the first day of school will be posted soon.

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