I have said it before and I will say it again...one GREAT thing about my Aspie boys is their spirituality. They can conceptualize that which takes many people years of spiritual journey to understand.
No hesitation or embarrassment....no pride or gloating...only acceptance and peace.
"Unless you become as a little child..."
A child is innocent, a child is trusting, a child is eager to serve, a child is filled with joy, and a child understands accidents. (I personally think that this society has become so blame oriented that it often does not understand the occurrences of simple accidents.)
Anyway....Aspie kids STAY this way. They can truly understand the theological and philosophical discussions that have developed through the years....but they do not lose that "child" inside themselves. What a gift. "Normal" people often become cynical by the time they are 13 years old. They fight that cynicism for the next umpteen years until they can put their hurt feelings on the shelf and gain glimpses once again of the innocence.
Innocence and understanding....enlightenment and peace.
One thing my sons and I do every morning is pray together. This is very good as we probably have already had 2 or 3 minor meltdowns about lost assignments, misplaced uniforms, the scheduled and planned breakfast taking too long, etc. (Yes, we are even scheduled as to what we eat for breakfast ever morning.) We say,
"That is all thing, God may be glorified" and then we sing together the refrain of a song by David Kauffman...I WILL MAKE THIS DAY MY PRAYER.
We give it all to Him....
all of the happiness and joy, accomplishments and disappointments, joys and sufferings. These wonderful sons can understand that through that simple prayer, everything we do that day becomes prayer....and being from prayer, grounded in love.
Now, if I could only get then to understand concepts like....no one is looking at you strange....or PLEASE, zip your pants....or yes, you do have to use a hairbrush.....
If you would like to hear the song, there is a link to his website in the links section of this blog.
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