20 January 2011

Love the Child In My Hands

In my free time (ha ha ha), I am currently directing a production MOSES: THE BURNING WITHIN by William Gokelman and David Kauffman at our local church. In the score of the musical is a beautiful song that Miriam, Moses' sister, sings about how she can not let her newborn brother be drowned in the Nile River. There is a line in that song that states, "Love the child in my hands...." I have not been able to get that statement out of my head. We are all given the children of the world to love, whether they are our biological children or those with whom we come into contact. They are "in our hands" and we are entrusted with their care and development. Yet, most of society chooses to let those who do not fit the mold of what a child should be, slip through their fingers. They reach out for something that is prettier, more sensible, easier to handle. We, as Aspie parents, have that choice, as well. We choose to "Love the Child in our Hands" because we recognize a little-understood truth. It is often the child that DOES NOT fit the mold that innovates, finds new forms of expression, thinks of new and wonderful creations, or solves some of the problems of the world. What would the world be like if we had let Bill Gates, Ludwig von Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin or Abraham Lincoln slip through our fingers?
I choose to "Love the Child in My Hands."

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