15 July 2011

As Easy As Riding a Bike

It is sad but true that I watched a lot of television growing up. After all, it was the 70's and 80's....I find myself now comparing myself to the "perfect TV mom's" of those shows.....Ma on LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, Laura on the DICK VAN DYKE SHOW, Carol on THE BRADY BUNCH, Samantha on BEWITCHED, Elyse on FAMILY TIES, Claire on THE COSBY SHOW, etc.

As an Aspie mom I never seem to live up to these INCREDIBLE mom's.....I'm always too tired and too overwhelmed. But, there was one "perfect TV mom" who had moments of frustration and exhaustion, yet did not tarnish her impeccable stature. She always seemed to know her threshold and took time for solace and rejuvenation. She even returned to her family able to give them more of herself because she took time for herself....what a novel concept! Who is this masked wonder, you may ask? It is Olivia Walton.
Yes, yes....I hear many of you laughing. I know that The Waltons are seen these days as too sappy, too cute, too.......but, in our house, we LOVE THE WALTONS!
We watched an episode today from the first season when Olivia was approaching that threshold and she went for a bike ride in the forest instead of washing the dishes and completing a long list of chores. Oh Horror! But as the story continued, we realize that all was accomplished anyway and she was in a much better mental state to deal with the vicissitudes of life. This was not the only time in the series that Olivia's character takes that time. There was another episode when she changed her hair as a pick me up and another one when she went on strike and read a book until everyone else started doing their part around the house. I needed to be reminded of that today.
As an Aspie mom, I often feel like I must be all for all.
One can quickly become overwhelmed with the day to day, the constant chatter or questions, the issues, the schedules, the breakdowns....
But, we all need time to revitalize ourselves so that we can once again see the answers, the achievements, the developments, the breakthroughs.
It is OK to take time for yourself.
Like my incredible husband always reminds me....on those shows the stage crew sewed the curtains, the costume department washed the clothes and the food was actually take-out. So stop beating yourself up!
Forget about it.....
It's as easy as riding a bike!

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